Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Way To Sell Your Mineral Royalties

Here are a few tips and pointers when making your decision of whom to sell your mineral resource interest to. First is the time frame of each of the purchasing companies. Some mineral buyers will require as many as 12 weeks or more before they will clear the sale, which could cost you a great deal of money, and make what should be a profitable deal go bad. Make your time frame known to the purchasing company, get the dates in writing and enforce them.

Consider the speed in which the purchasing company delivers. Uni Royalties, a leading company in the mineral resources market, will confirm the amount they wish to purchase inside a business day, and will compensate up to 50 percent of the closing purchasing costs in the same day. This figure is significantly more than most of their competition. If you are interested in learning more about your mineral resources rights, and also the current prices of oil and gas the Uniroyalties website has a plethura of information.

There you are sure to discover all the information you want on everything UniRoyalties may do for you with regards to your mineral resources holdings.If you're thinking of selling your mineral shares, don't settle for less. Call Uni Royalties and receive the highest bid in the shortest amount of time. You will have no need for concern if you choose UniRoyalties, as you will have chosen the best.